Revolutionizing Waste Management in Paris with WinBin

Paris has been facing a significant challenge in terms of environmental sustainability due to the doubling of waste in the city over the last 75 years. However, good news is on the horizon as our partner, WinBin recently installed 70 UltraFill smart waste bins, designed to revolutionize how waste is managed within the city.

The 70 new UltraFill waste bins, each boasting a capacity of 240L, are not just ordinary receptacles; they represent a paradigm shift in waste management. Equipped with cutting-edge self-pressing technology, these bins can compact waste, holding an impressive 120,000L of “extra” waste per emptying trip compared to standard bins.

This technology encourages waste sorting and integrates with a smart management system, reducing CO2 emissions and costs by 75%. To learn more about our UltraFill products, visit our product page. 

Paris Bins(1920)

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