How can you process sustainable waste as a city?
Many municipalities are committed to a cleaner city with less residual waste. Therefore, various facilities are used to improve waste systems and make them more sustainable. Yet there is still much room for improvement when it comes to urban waste management. This is an issue that concerns many municipalities: how to process a city’s waste in the most sustainable way possible. Mr. Fill would be pleased to tell you more about how this can be achieved!
Reusing and recycling waste
A good way to process waste in a sustainable way is through reuse or recycling. The demand for raw materials in the world is high and therefore there is an increasing effort to reuse and recycle. If raw materials are used over and over again, hardly any waste will be created. In order to recycle or reuse waste properly, it is important that the waste is collected separately. This brings us straight to the next point.
Separating waste
Separating waste is a good way to save a lot of residual waste. Figures show that separating waste even results in an average of 100 kilos less residual waste per person per year. Therefore, it’s a good idea to invest in separating waste.
Many cities therefore already have underground facilities on the street where the waste can be disposed in the appropriate container. For example, think of a special container for glass or paper. These underground facilities also keep the streets much cleaner. In addition, many households already separate their waste themselves. This saves a lot of separation work afterwards and in this way each type of waste can be recycled separately. Mr. Fill also have a underground press module.
Packaging materials
Most residual waste comes from packaging materials, such as plastic. Mainly supermarkets sell many products that are packed in plastic. Also, a lot of food is thrown away afterwards, which is a big waste.
A good way to avoid wasting packaging materials and food unnecessarily is a zero waste supermarket. In 2015, the first packaging-less supermarket opened in Utrecht. Here, consumers can bring their own Tupperware container or refillable bottle, where they can take their food and drink at home in their own bottles and containers. This way you can decide how much you need, so no food is wasted and it saves a lot of packaging materials.
The smart waste solution of Mr. Fill
A good way to combat excessive waste is our smart waste bin. This is a container with a sensor that indicates when the container is full. In this way, overloading of full waste containers is prevented and the containers need to be emptied less often. This also saves on the trips of the garbage trucks through the city! In this way we at Mr. Fill are committed to no litter, less CO2 emissions and lower costs.