The solution to the increase in litter due to the coronavirus
One thing that none of us can afford to abandon in these uncertain times is sustainability, and how we ourselves play a role in it. More people are staying at home than ever before. Many of us can’t go to the office and others have lost their jobs. The hospitality industry has been hit hard, as it received orders from the government to shut down until further notice. This meant that more and more people ordered takeaway, as many places were allowed to remain open for food and drinks to go. What consequences did this have for sustainability in neighbourhoods?
The consequences of the lockdown on sustainability
Did many hours working from home, closing cafés and restaurants and all the other regulations have consequences for sustainability in towns and cities? When working from home, many people choose to order takeaway more often. This results in more waste being thrown away in the city, but also outdoors.
Bins are seen overflowing with rubbish, and as a result many streets are dirty, giving neighbourhoods a negative image as well as being bad for the environment. If your town or city has still not turned to smart waste solutions, the chance is large that there will be complaints about the waste problem. This will lead to waste services having to operate more often, which is bad news for sustainability. Many expect safety measures to still apply until the end of 2020 and beyond. The waste problem isn’t going away.
The solution
A solution that can be implemented by the municipality is installing smart waste bins. Solar compacting bins can be set up for waste collection in public places in a way that is sustainable. These bins operate almost entirely on solar energy. In this way, municipalities can save on waste collection costs and curb litter. In addition, the app shows how full the waste container is.
This data can be used to save waste collection costs, and also to suggest an upgrade to the bin if it regularly fills up ahead of schedule.
Here are just some of the advantages of choosing one of our smart waste bin solutions:
- 75% savings on waste collection costs
- More capacity
- Less CO2 emissions
Managing and monitoring systems
One of Mr. Fill’s biggest advantages is the Smart Waste Manager. The Smart Waste Manager logs the waste bin’s status and usage data and your employees are updated daily with this information. The system sends a notification when a bin is full. The app provides an overview that can be seen at all times, and it communicates 24 times a day. You can set up the app according to your own preferences so that you are always informed about the latest news for each waste bin.
Smart City Lease for towns and cities
We now also have THE solution for towns and cities with a (very) tight budget. Are you too looking for a cheap and sustainable solution? Starting now, you can lease products with Mr. Fill. Our lease programme starts at €150 per month per bin. This will enable you to significantly reduce litter in your community.