Mr. Fill shows off the new double station!

Mr. Fill has developed a double station that gives municipalities and cities the opportunity to separate waste in an efficient and smart way. The double-station consists of the well-known solar compacting bin and a ‘Smart-Fill’. This is the ultra-fill as you know it, but without the compacting system and equipped with a Sensor-Fill.

The solar compacting bin will be used primarily for standard litter, while the Smart Fill in the double station will be used primarily for PMD waste. This includes plastic packaging, metal packaging and drinking packs, etc. With a specially developed intermediate panel, both smart bins can be linked to each other. Together they will ensure that there will be a separated waste stream on the street. By means of nudging and personalised stickers, it becomes even clearer for the public which type of waste can and may be thrown in the specific smart waste bin.

Mr Fill is already in several countries in Europe with a double station and offers the opportunity for these cities to increase their commitment to waste recycling. Which city will be the next to make a more conscious effort to separate waste?